Leofinance Glossary - Right Step towards Financial Education


I just discovered a knowledge base and it is an interesting one. Truly, I am late to the party, but it is interesting to see that Leofinance has gone a long way, and her maturity level is that of a 50-year old wise man and financial advisor.

Leoglossary as @taskmaster4450le puts it here is a database of financial and investment terms that are well explained for users. It is more than a financial and investing dictionary; it is also a Leo/Hive dictionary.

This is a very significant part of the Leofinance project as it bridges the gap between novices and properly entering the financial space.

The issue with financial education is that only a few people get to take courses like economics, accounting, and other related subject areas. But even when you do, the financial space is always evolving.
Thus, there is a constant need for experts to keep updated with recent trends. If experts in the financial sector had to always stay up-to-date, imagine how difficult it would be for newbies to grasp basic terms.

Compounding the above is that financial terms are not part of the regular vocabulary of a significant portion of the world's population. Moreover, cryptocurrencies are here to add a whole new array of financial terminologies that must be learnt and mastered.

Moreover, cryptocurrencies are usually decentralized, so anyone can develop a project and try to carve out new terms to support their projects. So, how do you stay abreast with all these changes?

Leogrossary comes to the rescue!

Leoglossary has a wealth of financial terminologies that are well explained to reduce the ambiguity of such terms for end users. It is like a dictionary but for finance. I think it is more or less what Investopedia has done, replicating it better for the Leofinance ecosystem and for Hive blockchain at large. Trust me, there is a lot in there already.

How to access Leoglossary

  • Simply visit the link: https://leofinance.io/@leoglossary/leoglossary-main-menu or click here.

  • Find the term you need to read about and click on it. You can find it using the simple "FIND" function in your browser, or if you're on a desktop, hit "CONTROL F".

  • You can also search through Google by attaching the term "Leoglossary" to your keyword. You can learn more about that here.

Make Use of Leoglossary

The best way to use @Leoglossary is by citing and referencing it. This is simple. When writing a post, simply embed links to terminology that is used in your post and explained on Leoglossary, so that readers can quickly look up the term through the Leoglossary repository of financial terminologies.

Here is an example: In this recent post by @bitcoinflood here, I have embedded some Leoglossary links:

Hard forks on blockchains are pretty rare these days. Back in 2010 to about 2018 hard forks where all the crazy. People invested to a main asset and would hard fork it and "airdrop" tokens to wallet holders in an effort to build a new token.
Some of these most notable ones that stuck around in some form are Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold and Ethereum classic. These all support older or alternate developments on their own blockchains but were birthed from the core blockchain that started them all. This shouldn't be looked as a negative thing. At the time crypto was new and with it came many unknowns, ideas and alternative ways of doing things. If a group of miners or developers didn't agree they would split off the chain.From the above example, I have added links to explain blockchain, tokens, Ethereum, and miners. It is an excellent example, I guess.

The Future of Leoglossary

We hope to see a better future when maybe Leofinance will have a search feature, maybe Leoglossary will have a separate frontend, and through a community-centric model like Wikipedia, individuals will be able to add to the Glossary, and these additions will be curated. And through the application of the #web3.0 philosophy, individuals will be rewarded for their efforts. Most of my suggestions have already been partially implemented, but a full implementation is hoped for in the future; in the meantime, continue to use Leoglossary.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta